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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Storm Planning for a Confident and Calm Family | SERVPRO of Pewaukee & Sussex

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Pewaukee & Sussex to help you recover.

The sound of thunder and lightning fills the air while the tornado sirens blare. Your furry friend is restless and your children are anxious, leaving you unsure of what to do first. Storms can be quite terrifying, particularly in eastern Wisconsin during the late spring and summer.

We can’t control the weather. We can, however, control our preparedness and response to it, ensuring that everyone remains composed. This is particularly crucial for your young ones! Check out our team’s suggestions on how to integrate storm planning into your family’s routine for a stress-free response to any emergency.

Knowing What to Look For

While we can all tell the difference between sunny and cloudy days, not everyone knows how to spot potentially dangerous weather conditions. Even if there are no storm warnings, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the sky. Teach your kids to recognize the signs of an approaching storm, such as rotating clouds, a dark or green sky, rumbling thunder and lightning, and to head indoors immediately if they notice any of these concerning changes.

It’s also important for them to know what a tornado siren sounds like and when it may be activated. You can help them prepare for the sound during testing periods so that they become familiar with it and understand what it means. Encourage them to listen for the siren during testing days and time how long it takes for them to reach your designated safe shelter location.

Preparing for the Event

One of the most important emergency planning steps to take is to create an emergency plan with your family. Take the time to discuss the different scenarios and locate your safe shelter location together.

Your sheltering location should ideally be in an innermost room without windows, and you should be sure to keep it clear and ready to use at any time. If possible, pull a heavy desk or table into the room and have your kids practice getting under it by building a fort inside it or by playing a game under it.

Your kids can also help you pack your emergency kit! Start with the basic necessities by having your children choose what goes into the bag. Let them choose some of their favorite snacks and some shelf-stable water for each member of your family.

You can also have your child pick out a flashlight and label it with his or her own name. Don’t forget to toss in some extra batteries! Candles, matches and any necessary medications should also be added.

Finally, let your kids pick the fun items that will go inside! Special games, coloring books or other activities that are only used during emergency situations can make the whole experience a bit more positive.

Staying Calm

Severe weather can be scary for anyone, but especially kids. It is natural to be apprehensive about storms, but it can also be helpful to learn more about them to ease your child’s anxieties. Explain to your little ones that the chances of suffering from serious damage during a tornado or strong storm are actually really low.

No matter the situation, focus on keeping your kids calm and distracted by staying calm yourself. Narrate the situation as the storm passes through, and keep your voice light-hearted. Together, you can all brave through scary storms with much more confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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